For our sail south I stand 6-9 watch – both morning and night, giving me the privilege of watching the sun rise and fall. <br><br>
When I come on shift at 6, the sky is a deep grey-black with just enough contrast to barely make out the horizon. Over the next hour the black oil of night turns to a deep dark, but muted red, then as the sky above starts to turn blue, the sun rises. During this hour, the last two days, the Albatrosses seemed to be at their finest. Prior to yesterday we weren’t far enough south to truly notice their presence, but starting yesterday, the Albatrosses were out and in full force. We were indeed headed south and closer to home.<br><br>
This morning the moon joined in the fun. It was barely a sliver, but it rose 1 hour before sunrise, so it was low in the horizon and contrasted against the deep red / grey of the early morning. The black silhouette of the albatross danced in front of the moon. The joys of being in the middle of the southern ocean.<br><br>
We are headed south, having left Mar del plata the other day. we’ve hit some wind, some calm, but luckily nothing stronger than 35knots or so. Our hearty crew of 7, hailing from Argentina, France, and USA are all doing well – some days stomachs feeling better than others! But all knowing we are closer and closer as the Albatross continue to delight in the wind!<br><br>
– Laura