Otters are in the News!
Science happening on Ocean Tramp!
Otters are making waves in the news in the Patagonian Region. Our Guest Scientist Alejandro Valenzuela has been getting the word out to inform the public about the otters on Isla de los Estados.
Only a year ago the knowledge of otters on the island was hearsay – a story here, a reported sighting there, but no hard evidence or data. Last November we set out on a trip with passengers and Ale as our Guest Scientist to determine are there otters and how many. On that trip Ale set five motion sensor cameras around the island. As we went back in January and March we checked the cameras to see what was going on. And indeed there was some exciting otter activity!!!
With the success of the first season Ale came again on a trip in October of this year to check the cameras after the winter and to place more cameras. We are so excited to be a part of this long term project.
Now Ale is getting the otters in the news so the the people of Tierra del Fuego and Patagonian region can understand the native wildlife that is here and the challenges the otters face.
Check out all of these news articles!!!!
TV Interview!
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