Ocean Tramp – Wedding Onboard


BLOG 28th December 2022
Mr. Joseph Ashurst and Dr. Nita Tallent are pleased to announce their wedding today on the Ocean Tramp officiated by Capt. Dave Lilburn under blue skies, towering snowy peaks, and the inky blue waters of the Lemaire Channel. A slight fumble by the jittering groom saw the ring drop to the deck, but but thankfully it came to rest after only one heart stopping bounce towards to edge. The wedding was witnessed and cheered by their new friends – the crew and fellow passengers on this most wonderful Antarctic expedition. Chief Janey prepared the wedding feast complete with wedding cake. Let us all raise a glass to toast their happiness and adventure now and in their future.

After being treated to another visit from some Humpback Whales and a Sei Whale, Ocean Tramp picked her way out of the Channel through some Ice, waved hello to the passing British Icebreaker, The Sir David Attenborough (also known as Boaty McBoat Face) and headed for Hovgaard Island.
Our anchorage was a tiny keyhole between two rocky shores. Skipper Dave had to reverse the boat between narrow rocks, as the crew helped guide her in with the Zodiac and ran four lines to shore to keep us snug for the night. An evening Zodiac cruise took us by now familiar Gentoo Penguins, and through and Iceberg metropolis which was populated with dozens and dozens of hauled out Weddel and Crabeater Seals, along with a few lounging Leopard Seals.
This will be our further south point – 65o 06.49’S, as tomorrow we turn North and begin slowly making our way back towards King George Island.

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