My Favorite (and most shared) Piece of Gear of the Season


…and its under $10

My Favorite piece of gear – While I have many loves in different situations for different pieces of gear, one is more useful than any of the others and I continually find myself sharing with others.

Antarctica requires many layers of clothing – the outer one is most often a down or synthetic down puffy outer layer, because they are just great and warm and cozy. However, the most common drama (and it usually happens within 1 week of owning the new jacket), is snagging the ultra lightweight outer material and then slowly every day a new feather starts to pop out.  The solutions are:

  1. a terrible piece of duct tape (yes I know duct tape fixes everything, but it stands out, the edges start to roll up and grubby bits start to stick to it).  or
  2. you succumb to buying another jacket (ouch… $300+ later).  Or
  3. THE BEST EVER…. Tenacious tape.  For under $10 your jacket is fixed.  Actually the $10 I spent on my tenacious tape has saved countless jackets now.  Gear Aid sells their Tenacious tape, which is a thin clear tape that you cut to the size you need.  Its slightly stretchy and thin so that the edges don’t curl up.  You barely see it, so it doesn’t stick out like a sore thumb that you managed to rip your new puffy jacket.  Its the best.  There are colored tapes, but I find the clear is the most versatile.

I’ve bought them both in twin sheets (super flat for packing), or a small roll – also not to thick for packing.  It comes in a much bigger roll, but it would be a while before you need that much and not to convenient to pack.

The Tenacious Tape sheets:

Gear Aid Tenacious Tape Flex Patches for Vinyl and Fabric Repair, Clear, two 3″ x 5″ patches

The small roll of Tenacious Tape.

Gear Aid Tenacious Tape Repair Tape for Fabric and Vinyl, 3” x 20”

And I just found they also have these cute little packs:

Travel Pack of Tenacious Tape

Tenacious Tape Technical Fabric Mini Repair Patches Clear

Its the smallest, best investment for the long term happiness of your expensive jackets and gear!

This guide includes “affiliate links” for readers who want to buy. While all the products are independently chosen, Quixote Expeditions may earn a commission on purchases through the affiliate links.

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