Hans Hansson – The Most Incredible Two Hours

Daily updates from the field,whales

Sheryl, Passenger

Kia ora friends and family

Well we thought yesterday was pretty special seeing whales, leopard seals and orca but today really delivered. A leisurely 8.30 breakfast after a very still night anchored in  Foyn Harbour.
There was some flexibility in the morning’s plan – Daniel and Nicolas, and John and I opted to kayak around the bay and investigate the ship wreck. Philippa and Colin set off in a zodiac with the goal of photographing whales with a picturesque backdrop. Anne and Brian and Maschi and Matt were taking a short ride in the second zodiac before swapping out with the kayakers. Meanwhile Jeffery had photos to edit.

No sooner had we all set off than humpback whales were spotted in Wilhelmina Bay. We all made our way there and experienced the most incredible 2 hours. I’m not sure I can capture the experience in words. The bay was very tranquil – still and quiet, and the morning light beautiful and moody. Twenty plus humpback whales entertained and enthralled us as they surfaced, displayed their flukes, blew, and vocalised. Surreal!

Our experience was from the kayaks so we were seeing the whales at water level – at times a little scary but truly magical – we weren’t quite sure where they ould surface next. One of those ‘once in a lifetime’ experiences that we’d hoped for but not necessarily expected.
Thank you for the delicious and hearty quinoa lunch Joel.

The afternoon was spent motoring through Wilhelmina Bay and back into the Gerlache Strait. A lot of sea ice to navigate and stunning icebergs of fascinating shapes and colours. We spotted crab eater seals for the first time and Minke whales, leopard seals and penguins along the way.

We anchored off Danco Island for the night – all very happy with the spectacular day we had experienced. Again Joel fed us well with freshly baked bread and antipasto, dhal and berry cheesecake. Sheryl

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